Arick Shao 邵崇哲

Research / Miscellaneous

This page contains other miscellaneous research-related material.

Events, Conferences, and Workshops

Here are some workshops/conferences that I organized or helped to organize.

Nonlinear Waves and Fluids

(Co-organized with Mahir Hadžić and Martin Taylor.)

The workshop discussed recent progress in the rigorous study of both nonlinear wave/hyperbolic equations and various equations of fluid mechanics. It also served as a forum to introduce early-career researchers to these areas. The workshop consisted of three 4-hour mini-courses, along with several 1-hour research talks.

Mini-Workshop on Wave Equations

This mini-workshop was dedicated to communicating recent progress in the mathematical study of wave equations, and hyperbolic PDEs more generally. A particular aim was to highlight the diversity of directions and results in this field. In addition, a portion of the workshop was focused on the unique continuation theory for wave equations and its applications.

Workshop on Geometric Hyperbolic PDE

(Co-organized with Gustav Holzegel and Claude Warnick.)

This was a small workshop aimed at exposing young researchers in the London and surrounding areas to geometric wave equations. A major goal is to foster connections with other areas of mathematics, such as general relativity and spectral theory.

The workshop was headlined by mini-courses by professors Sergiu Klainerman and Maciej Zworski and complemented by talks by several young researchers highlighting some recent developments in the field.

Solutions to Exercises

These are documents containing solutions to many textbook or lecture notes exercises that I have typed up at some point.

Nonlinear Dispersive Equations (T. Tao)

This now well-known book, by Prof. Terence Tao, introduces the reader to many aspects of fairly recent research concerning dispersive partial differential equations. The first three chapters of the book, an appendix, and a detailed errata can be found here.

The book contains a multitude of exercises, many of which are quite involved, often reaching into research-level material. I am compiling and editing a list of solutions to many of these exercises. These can be found in the PDF file below. Comments, corrections, and suggestions are most certainly welcome!

Many of these exercises were solved jointly with fellow reading group members: Jordan Bell, David Reiss, Kyle Thompson.

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