Arick Shao 邵崇哲


This page contains a number of notes and articles—intended for various audiences and pitched at various levels—that I have written over the years.

Foundational Questions

You're a mathematician? What do you actually study?

I occasionally get asked this. Though mathematicians know well what they do, it remains a tough question to answer. The dilemma is that the question has either a five-second answer (which is too short to be helpful) or a fifteen-minute answer (which tries the audience's patience).

The problem is that a wide gulf has developed between what is taught in mathematics curricula and what mathematicians actually think about, so that "mathematician" has become one of the most misunderstood professions. Unfortunately, neither mathematicians themselves nor the education system have been so effective at bridging that gap. Nowadays, when university students progress from lower-level courses (e.g., calculus, linear algebra) into the rigorous advanced courses (e.g., real analysis, abstract algebra), they basically must learn a whole new field and an entirely new way of thinking.

The following articles are an attempt to give "fifteen-minute answers" to the question—"What do mathematicians actually study?"—and to other tangentially related questions. Of course, this comes with a disclaimer: what is written is merely my own views and is not definitive, and other mathematicians may have different perspectives.

Outreach Articles

Below are some additional expository articles on miscellaneous topics.

Teaching Material

The following notes are intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students, containing material of difficulty comparable to taught university mathematics curricula.

Undergraduate Lecture Notes

Below are the full lecture notes from the 2nd-year undergraduate course MTH5113: Introduction to Differential Geometry (2022/23), at Queen Mary University of London.

Below are the full lecture notes from the 2nd-year undergraduate course MTH5109: Geometry II, Knots and Surfaces (2017/18), at Queen Mary University of London.

The following is the first chapter of unfinished lecture notes from the undergraduate course MAT334: Complex Analysis, at University of Toronto.

Postgraduate Lecture Notes

The following are chapters of lecture notes from a PhD-level course Dispersive Equations, which I co-taught while at Imperial College London.

The following are supplementary short notes from the postgraduate course M4P41: Analytic Methods in PDEs, at Imperial College London,

Miscellaneous Notes

The following are supplementary notes for learning control theory of ODEs.

  • The Eigenvalue Placement Problem (original 02/2025)
    • These short notes give a rigorous mathematical treatment on the eigenvalue placement problem for linear systems of ODE with constant coefficients.

Research Material

The following notes are intended for PhD students and beyond, containing more specialized research-level material beyond standard mathematics curricula.

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